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Shabbat Sermons

"Chesed: Kindness"
Response on the Occasion of Installation
November 18, 2022

"Choose Life"
A Response to the Dobbs Ruling
July 8, 2022

"Roots and Wings"
Inaugural Sermon at Beth Israel
July 1, 2022

"Live Long and Prosper"
Response to Racism and the Pandemic
Parashat Naso; May 29, 2020

The Source of our Help:
From Charlottesville to Charlotte Amalie -
Reflections on Racism in Light of

a Looming Solar Eclipse 
August 18, 2017; Parashat Re'eh

A Bridge to Somewhere: Inclusion, Outreach
and a New Chapter in Our Lives
Introductory Sermon to the
Hebrew Congregation of St. Thomas
July 14, 2017; Parashat Pinchas

To A Place That I Will Show You:
Farewell Address To Temple Shalom

June 9, 2017; Parashat Be'ha'alot'cha

​​​​​​​​A House Divided: Rabbinic Views on Slavery
February 13, 2015; Parashat Mishpatim



Light and Truth: Diversity in the Search for Unity
October 24, 2014; Parashat Noach


On the Other Side of the Jordan

August 1, 2014; Parashat Devarim


Coming Undone

June 30, 2014; Parashat Korach


The Second Sex
March 28, 2014; Parashat Tazria


​Pride and Prejudice
March 21, 2014; Parashat Sh’mini


Stones and Bones
March 14, 2014; Parashat Tzav


​Why Be Jewish?
November 14, 2014; Parashat Chayei Sarah


The Authors of Ourselves
January 10, 2014; Parashat Beshalach


Sanctity and Sublimation:

Losing Ourselves and Discovering the World

November 8, 2013; Parashat Vayetzei


Friedan's Freedom: A Half Century Since

the Publication of The Feminie Mystique

February 22, 2013; Parashat Tetzaveh


The Way the World Works
August 31, 2012; Parashat Ki Tetzei


“Hear” O Israel!
The Art of Conversation in an Age of Conflict

April 20, 2012; Parashat Shmini


Reading Mein Kampf in Tehran:

The Death of Demjanjuk and the Power of the Past
March 23, 2012; Parashat Vayikra


White Lies and Tall Tales in a WikiLeaks World
December 17, 2010; Parasha Vayechi


Between Choice and Chance -

Shaping History or Being Shaped By It
March 19, 2010; Parashat Vayikra


Clean Hands and a Pure Heart:
Reaction to the Recent Revelation about our Torah Scrolls

February 19, 2010; Parashat Terumah


Chesed (Kindness): Ten Years After Columbine

April 24, 2009; Parashat Tazria-Metzorah


Evolution and Us:

How Charles Darwin Made Reform Judaism Possible

February 13, 2009; Parashat Yitro


​If You Like Pina Coladas

February 23, 2007; Parashat Terumah


Jimmy Carter and the Betrayal of History

​January 12, 2007; Parashat Shemot


If So, Why Do I Exist?
November 24, 2006; Parashat Toledot

The Days of Our Lives

November 16, 2006; Parashat Chayei Sarah


I Saw The Best Minds of My Generation

May 26, 2006; Parashat Bamidbar


First Things First
February 24, 2006; Parashat Mishpatim


Standing Still, Diving Deep:

Sign, Symbol and the Torah of our Lives
December 24, 2004; Parashat Vayichi


The Bones of Joseph
January 9, 2004; Parashat Vayechi






Created by Rabbi Michael Feshbach

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